Sunday, November 30, 2008

social networking: for the record

I have been thinking a lot about what we talked about in class about social networking, Twitter and blogging. I thought about how social networking has affected my life and my social circle. I am starting to notice that social networking has become a big part of my everyday, whether I am entirely conscious of it or not.
Over the weekend I went home to spend the holiday with my family. I spent a lot of time with my sister who is a year older than me and basically my other half. We are interested in all the same things and have a lot of the same friends. A few times I noticed that my sister and I wound up sitting next to each other, communicating through facebook. We would be looking at the same pictures, joking or commenting on our friends posts or statuses. My mom even peeked her head in the room a few times and said something along the lines of "you two and your laptops!" or "what can you two possibly be doing on the internet for this long?" We had no real answer, just... looking I guess. Killing time, maybe. Either way, its times like these where I realize that social networking takes up a lot of my time, but is helpful in connecting me to my friends and family near and far.
Another thing that I took into consideration and thought more in depth about was the major hype surrounding Britney Spears' debuting documentary this evening, "Britney: for the record". I have been hearing about it on television, over the internet and from my friends for a few weeks now. It was a pretty big deal that she would put her career and personal life on the line to inform the public about her recent endeavours. While watching the hour long documentary I was texting and talking to my friends about the show and that made me wonder what others were doing to communicate to fellow viewers. I hopped online and found multiple blog sites about things that were happening on the show at that exact moment. I clicked around and found more conversations than I could count from people chatting about the documentary. This is nothing that I would have done before I was aware of just how widespread blogging has become. While I chose not to throw out any of my own advice, I spent a few minutes reading the thoughts of others.
We are constantly connected with each other, whether it be through social networking or otherwise. We have all just become so used to it that we don't really take the time to notice just how constantly connected we all are.

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