Sunday, October 26, 2008

Just some thoughts from the weekend...

Its Sunday night and I do not feel inclined to jump into deep political thought... sorry blog world.
I spent my weekend at home, visiting with my parents and my siblings and all that fun stuff. I wanted to make a point to prove to my family that I have in fact, been away attending college since the last time they saw me. I racked my brain the whole way home for facts I would later pull out of my you-know-where for dinner table conversation so that Mama would be distracted and not be resorted to asking me the age old parent-to-college-student question,"So, been to any good parties lately?" We talked about the debate: failure. I couldn't keep up with the back and forth of their political knowledge. We talked about sports: failure. I know zilch nadda zip about professional sports. We talked about my classes this term: there we go! I brought up J201 (not trying to brown nose, I pinkie swear! ha.) and how my not-exactly-new-year's resolution for myself is to become more "politically aware". My poor step-dad about had a heart attack and my mom almost died choking on her steak. A rush of silence fell over the dinner table and my siblings glared at me with hate, because obviously I am now well on my way to becoming the prized "smart" child and everyone knows the golden child gets better Christmas presents... Go me! Heh. After the dust had settled following the bombshell that the once thick headed daughter was consciously making an effort to be just a smidge less dense, we continued to talk about how important it is for the youth in our country to be politically aware. Our age bracket is getting so much heat about the importance of being active citizens and VOTING. But are we receiving the same pressure to really learn about the issues? Definitely not. They (whoever they may be) only want one thing: our name on that piece of paper and a vote in favor of their candidate. I can't help but feel like fresh meat. Yes it is important that we vote, but it is more important that we are educated voters! No one is going to feed us valuable information. We have to use our functioning brains to get the facts and learn all we can.

Its Sunday. Midterms next week. Sorry to cut this short but I'm pooped. Comment if you must.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like the word "educated voter." because even i register for the vote, i found out that i barely know about what's really going on and what two candidates really can do. I think that's why we need to informed.
and i also agree that we have not much thing to talk with parents and when i tried to talk about politics with my dad, there is a huge generation gap between us so i can hardly talk with him about it.