Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Advertising is bringin' me down!

So, I have always been very interested in advertising. Partially the reason I have selected Journalism/advertising as my major. But lately we have been discussing all the negative views of advertising and media spin. I understand that advertising has many different "tricks of the trade" (8 of which we were made aware of in chapter 3 of Un-Spun). Learning all this information has made me feel a little uneasy about pursuing advertising as a career path, but I do believe that not all advertisements need to have negative effects! Of course product labels are in it for the money but positive campaigns and things directed to bettering society do in fact have positive turnouts. I realize now that I do not want to be a part of the money-hungry media. I want to work to advertise honestly (as much as possible) and positively!

*the picture above is from the Dove for Real Beauty ad campaign. Its a great campaign!
go to http://www.campaignforrealbeauty.com/ for more info!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I also was interested in advertising...I love art, and advertising is a marketable way to be artisitic, and i picture myself needing a career that's constantly changing, so it fit the bill. however, I struggled with it too because as you get older, you begin to realize how deceptive the advertising industry is and i still haven't been able to justify going into advertising yet. yes you can do public service stuff and honest campaigning, but sadly those things are not profitable at this time. times are changing though, so hopefully!! anyhow, i just wanted to share this with you, in case you hadn't seen it.